Eclipta Alba for Hair Growth – How Does Eclipta Alba Promote Hair Regrowth?

Preliminary studies have shown that Eclipta alba not only increases hair growth, which means it would work in conjunction with reducing hair loss but also has a direct effect on the color of the hair. These results are visual and are supportive of the findings of those who support the concept of its value for addressing hair problems.

It has to be realized that alopecia is considered to be in the dermatological field. It would make sense that positive results would be seen in hair growth with Eclipta alba as it is successfully used to treat many skin ailments such as athlete’s foot, eczema, and dermatitis.

In some applications, the Eclipta alba is mixed with mineral oil and applied to the hair to stimulate the growth and restore it to a healthy-looking condition. It has also been noted for its attributes in the prevention of graying. This would support its ability to retain the vibrancy of the color of any individual’s hair.

The extraction of the Eclipta is often used in black hair dye as well as a medium for tattoos.

Eclipta alba is not some new discovery. It has been used since ancient times for retaining the color and luster of the hair. It makes common sense that if the hair is healthy, it’s going to retain its luster. Therefore, it’s obvious that Eclipta alba has the ingredients to keep the hair healthy. Eclipta alba is now becoming a most popular ingredient in high-quality shampoos.

Scientific Research

As mentioned studies are ongoing with respect to the effects of Eclipta alba. In one study, utilizing albino rats the results were not only significant but also exciting. Half of the rats were topically treated with Eclipta alba and the control group with Minoxidil. In the early stages, the control group experienced significantly faster growth. However, once the hair reached the anagenic phase with the Eclipta group, there were a greater number of hair follicles compared to the Minoxidil group.

This supports the theory as well as past experience that although Minoxidil stimulates quick hair growth, natural products such as Eclipta produces more follicles which makes for better growth overall.

What is Eclipta Alba?

The leaves and roots of the Eclipta alba plant, also known as false daisy, are pow­er­ful nat­ural reme­dies for a vari­ety of ail­ments. Whether you are suffer­ing from hair loss, grey­ing hair or any of the other effects of increased age, there is a cure for your prob­lems in Eclipta alba.

Stud­ies con­ducted in the 1950s, the 1970s and as recently as 2009 have all shown that the roots, stem, and leaves of Eclipta alba, the “false daisy,” contain a mul­ti­tude of potent chem­i­cals that are anti­her­pa­to­tox­ins, anti-inflammatories, and antivi­rals. The plant is used in liver detox­i­fi­ca­tion because of its abil­ity to heal cir­rho­sis of the liver.

How Does Eclipta Alba Stimulate Hair Growth?

The Eclipta alba plant is able to per­form liver detox­i­fi­ca­tion and rem­edy hair loss because the chem­i­cals it con­tains are known to per­form vital functions in the body. The plant con­tains wede­lo­lac­tone and demyth­ly­wede­lo­lac­tone, both of which are anti­hep­a­to­tox­ins. These chem­i­cals detoxify the liver by react­ing with tox­ins and allow­ing their safe secre­tion from the body. These chemicals are secreted from the body in several different ways.

1. Natural Hair Dye

One of the most com­mon side effects of get­ting older is hair loss and going grey. Eclipta alba pro­vides a rem­edy for both. The leaf extract of the false daisy is a strong nat­ural black dye that is often used in tat­too­ing because of its rich color. That color is due to chem­i­cals that have the power to restore lost color to your hair.

2. Natural treatment to prevent hair loss

In addi­tion, the leaf extract con­tains chem­i­cals that speed up the heal­ing process for dam­aged hair fol­li­cles. Hair fol­li­cle dam­age is the root cause of hair loss in women, and repair­ing the dam­age leads to hair grow­ing back. What’s more, the Eclipta leaf extract will keep the hair fol­li­cles in the growing phase for longer, which means your hair grows back in much quicker.

Prepar­ing Eclipta Alba Hair Oil or Bhringraj oil


  • Sesame seed oil
  • coconut oil
  • Eclipta alba extract

Many oil bases react with the active ingre­di­ents in Eclipta alba, so it is essen­tial to use a base that will allow an even spread of the extract with­out pre­vent­ing it from work­ing. Sesame seed oil and coconut oil both serve this pur­pose, so which is used depends on your per­sonal pref­er­ence. Coconut oil gives a lovely coconut scent to the hair, for example.

To pre­pare the hair oil, boil the leaf extract and mix in the sesame seed or coconut oil. Mix the two liq­uids thor­oughly, and then allow the oil to cool well before use. This is essen­tial because hot oil will burn the scalp and cause fur­ther dam­age, pos­si­bly includ­ing more hair loss.

To begin the heal­ing process and restore dam­aged hair to health, sim­ply mas­sage the hair oil into the dam­aged parts of the scalp. The mas­sag­ing process encour­ages blood flow through the scalp, which brings much-needed pro­teins and nutri­ents to the dam­aged cells. The Eclipta alba oil is spread evenly across the scalp by the mas­sage, which ensures absorp­tion of the active ingredients.

Treat­ment Time

Oil should be mas­saged into the hair twice a day for the dura­tion of the treat­ment. When hair begins to grow back, keep using the Eclipta treat­ment because this will ensure the process works to its full poten­tial. Bhringraj oil increases the length of time the hair fol­li­cles can remain in the grow­ing phase, so con­tin­ued use of the hair oil means hair will grow back to the desired length quicker than it could with­out treatment.

The length of time you will need to con­tinue apply­ing the treat­ment varies from per­son to per­son.

Research from 2009 demon­strated that up to 160 per­cent more hair fol­li­cles are repaired in a given period when Eclipta alba is used com­pared to nat­ural heal­ing. It takes a cou­ple of months, on aver­age, for small patches of hair loss in women to be healed with Eclipta; while more exten­sive cases will, of course, take longer.

How Long Does it Take?

You can expect Bhringraj hair oil to begin work­ing imme­di­ately but vis­i­ble results will take a lit­tle longer. This is not a mir­a­cle cure, nat­ural reme­dies do not work that way. The length of time before your hair is fully restored will depend on the extent of the hair loss. Repair­ing the dis­eases of aging is not an overnight process, after all.

While the hair oil will pro­vide vis­i­ble results for restor­ing color to grey hair within one or two uses, regrow­ing lost hair can take a cou­ple of months. This is because the hair fol­li­cles must be repaired before the hair will begin to grow again. Eclipta alba encour­ages the body to repair the dam­age but does not directly repair hair fol­li­cles itself (noth­ing can). If you nat­u­rally heal quickly, the process will take less time than with peo­ple who heal slowly; although in either case, the hair oil will speed up the process.

For exten­sive dam­age to the scalp, heal­ing will take longer than where hair loss has been min­i­mal. Either way, the hair oil treat­ment should be con­tin­ued daily until the hair is fully restored. This ensures that the Eclipta has the time to work properly.

Eclipta Alba’s Multiple Benefits

Mem­ory Aid

Eclipta alba is use­ful as a mem­ory aid. It helps to improve mem­ory and thus com­bats one of the major dis­eases of aging – mem­ory prob­lems. The leaf extract is incred­i­bly bitter-tasting how­ever, so it is impor­tant to mix the extract with honey in order to make it palatable.

Combat Inflammation

Anti-inflammatory prop­er­ties of Eclipta will aid in deal­ing with a host of complaints.

1. Chronic Asthma, Mucous, Per­sis­tent Cough

Eclipta juice relieves these con­di­tions. Mixed with honey, it also helps ­against upper res­pi­ra­tory tract infec­tions in children.

2. Headache, Migraine

Mas­sag­ing the tem­ples with fresh Eclipta juice gives instant relief from headaches. Need some­thing stronger to com­bat recur­ring migraines? Mix a few drops of fresh Eclipta juice with milk, and use the mix­ture as nasal drops!

3. Acne, Athlete’s Foot, Der­mati­tis, Eczema

These con­di­tions will also respond well to a top­i­cal appli­ca­tion of Eclipta juice.

4. Glan­du­lar Swelling and Filariasis

Filar­i­a­sis is a trop­i­cal dis­ease caused by a par­a­site. A paste of Eclipta leaves, applied to glan­du­lar swelling and filar­i­a­sis, can help alle­vi­ate the pain and elim­i­nate inflammation.

5. Wounds, Cuts, Bruises, Insect Bites

A thick paste of Eclipta leaves is also used to deal with cuts, bruises and insect bites, includ­ing scor­pi­ons bites. Ancient Chi­nese and Brazil­ians have also used this paste as an anti­dote to snakebites.

6. Leu­co­derma, Vitiligo, Urticaria Hives

White patches on the skin, also known as leuko­derma or vitiligo, respond well to Eclipta leaf paste to com­bat loss of pigmentation.

Urticaria is an aller­gic or non-allergic skin reac­tion and is an immuno­log­i­cal dis­ease marked by intense itch­ing. Again, Eclipta leaf paste comes to the rescue.


We live in a world where tox­ins from many sources make it hard for our liver to deal with. Eclipta alba assists the liver-gallbladder sys­tem in rid­ding itself of tox­ins in var­i­ous ways:

1. Liver and Gall­blad­der Diseases

The leaves and roots of Eclipta are used as chol­a­gogues, which stim­u­late the con­trac­tion of the gall­blad­der and sup­port the dis­charge of bile to flush out the system.

Eclipta alba leaf juice is a pow­er­ful liver tonic with the abil­ity to remove obstruc­tions from the ducts of the body and to pro­mote their nat­ural secre­tions. Other dis­eases of the liver-gallbladder sys­tem, such as cir­rho­sis of the liver, jaun­dice, and hepati­tis also appear to respond to Eclipta alba leaf juice.

2. Upset Stom­ach, Food Poisoning

Eclipta alba root tonic has been found to be an emetic and a purga­tive. Emet­ics stim­u­late vom­it­ing, and purga­tives stim­u­late colon cleansing.

3. Ane­mia

Ane­mia can be treated with Eclipta leaf juice. It is a pow­er­ful blood puri­fier that has been shown to raise hemoglobin.

4. Worm Infes­ta­tion

Pinworms and tapeworms in humans are not just unpleas­ant, they are dan­ger­ous. Tak­ing 3 to 6 tea­spoons of fresh Eclipta juice, mixed with cas­tor oil, helps in get­ting rid of worm infes­ta­tions.